Shih-Chieh Kao, Ph.D.




Dr. Shih-Chieh Kao

Senior Research Staff

Environmental Sciences Division

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

P.O. Box 2008, MS-6038

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6038, USA


Phone: (865) 576-1259


Recent Updates:

August, 2024 - Paper accepted by Environmental Research Letter - Multi-Scale Impacts of Climate Change on Hydropower for Long-Term Water-Energy Planning in the Contiguous United States

June, 2024 - Paper accepted by Earth's Future - Future Climate Projections for South Florida: Improving Accuracy of Air Temperature and Precipitation Extremes with a Hybrid Statistical Bias Correction Technique

June, 2024 - Paper accepted by Nature Communications - Hydropower capacity factors trending down in the United States

April, 2024 - Paper accepted by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - Nexus - Thermal, Water, and Land Cover Factors Led to Contrasting Urban and Rural Vegetation Resilience to Extreme Hot Months

February, 2024 - Paper accepted by Ecological Indicators - Indicators of Thermal Alteration in US Waters Reveal Patterns of Climate Risk at the Energy-Water Nexus

November, 2023 - Paper accepted by Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems - Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery in Puerto Rico Simulated by the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)

November, 2023 - DOE INCITE Program Award - A Climate-Informed, Large-Scale, and High-Resolution Inundation Modeling Framework

October, 2023 - Paper accepted by Environmental Modelling & Software - Explainable Machine Learning Model for Multi-Step Forecasting of Reservoir Inflow with Uncertainty Quantification

September, 2023 - Paper accepted by Journal of Computational Science - An Ultra High-Resolution E3SM Land Model Simulation Framework and Its First Application to the Seward Peninsula in Alaska

September, 2023 - Paper accepted by Journal of Hydrology - Unraveling the 2021 Central Tennessee Flood Event Using a Hierarchical Multi-Model Inundation Modeling Framework


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This site was last updated 8/2/24